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Web Hosting Information :: Hosting 411

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1. Learn about hosting.
2. Find the right solution for your need.
3. Build, maintain, and promote your website.
4. Grow your webmaster skills.
5. Find related reference material.

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Who is Hosting 411

What's all this then? - This is an information resource to help you choose a good hosting solution based on what you are trying to do.

Why would I believe you? - Combined, we've got about ten years of direct experience with the web, and another ten years of client application and game programming.

Who's this for? - The novice-but-moderately-intelligent webmaster crowd. We're hoping to be somewhere between the jargon spouting techno babble folks, and a certain yellow book for morons.

Oh, so you're some kind of expert or something? - Hardly, but with a decade of web development and more specifically, web hosting experience we think we can help you avoid some mistakes, and indeed hopefully be happy with your solution.

What's up with the ads? - This site is free for you, but not for us. The idea was to recoup some time and bandwidth costs was a nice thought. Please help us fund this effort in whatever way best fits your capacity ..and tolerance.

Thanks for your visit - If we were helpful let others know with a link to us. If you think we suck, please let us know that too. We welcome your input.

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